
Posts Tagged ‘Godhead’


For many years, I’ve been familiar with the word, “soaking”, in regards to spending time with the Lord, perceiving His presence and simply basking in it and worshiping. At times I have an intense craving for being in His Presence and I so enjoy closing my door, turning on the music and just basking; with time being of no importance at all. It’s the place where ‘As I wait upon the Lord, I will rise up with wings like eagles, so I can run and not grow weary, where I can start walking and not faint”  Isaiah 40:31

I want to crave Him like that all the time. I DO want to desire Him more than anything else.

My human nature, my flesh, my ‘old man’, so-to-speak, often convinces me with so many excuses as to why I cannot schedule that segment of time into my schedule. I can justify almost anything. And then I live with the consequences of neglecting the Life Giver and the Bread of Life, My Comforter and Counselor and the Giver of Perfect Peace.

I upbraid myself when after-the-fact, I realize that I’ve sacrificed peace and soul-rest for chaos, stress and unrest. But our God is a Redeeming God and I simply need to stop, turn around, repent and run into His Presence again. His arms are never not opened to us.

Today I was gifted with finding a 5 minute audio devotional called, Living The Upgraded Life in a devotional soaking set by Graham Cooke. And oh, I was immediately drawn into God’s Presence and it felt as if I was lifted up to another dimension.

I want to gift you also with this. Please carve out 5 private, undistracted minutes sometime soon, to listen, to be still, to open yourself up, to receive and to be loved on and ministered to by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. [link is above underlined and bold]

Please share in our comments if you did and perhaps how you were ministered to.

Other Links:

Do you crave the secret rest of God?

Free soaking music with Julie True


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